Learning How To Overcome Snoring Without Drugs Here

Marca.co.id - A specialist neurophysiological and sleep patterns warned to be cautious before taking any medication as a way to overcome snoring because in fact there are many drugs that are not supported by research and medical evidence. Therefore, it is better to try first how to overcome snoring naturally. 

Snoring is actually a common condition that occurs in approximately 45 percent of adults. However, an otolaryngology specialist revealed that at a severe level, snoring can cause disruption of the quality of the relationship the couple. In addition, about 3 out of 4 people who snore berkebiasaan obstructive sleep apnea, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.The good news, how to fix snoring can actually be done by changing habits and do the simple things day-to-day like this.

 Changing sleeping positions

Lying better than supine. Lie on your back causes the base of the tongue and the palate becomes more inclined to the back of the throat so that more risk of causing snoring.

 Familiarize adequate rest

Awake or work for a long time without a break can cause a person to snore. Try to get to sleep and wake up at the same hour every day.

 Maintain ideal weight

Fat on the neck can reduce the internal diameter of the throat that can cause a person more at risk of snoring. Obesity is also a major risk factor for sleep apnea can be serious. Losing weight can help eliminate snoring, especially in those prior experience weight gain does not snore.

 Replacing pillows and maintain the cleanliness of the rooms

Snoring can be caused by allergens in the bed and pillows. Irritation due to dust on the objects in the bed can cause airway narrowing and swelling of the membranes of the throat, causing a person more likely to snoring. Avoid letting the pet sleep in your mattress and pillowcase dressing and drying pillows regularly.

 Avoid consuming alcohol

Consuming alcohol at least 4-5 hours before bedtime can cause snoring worse. Alcohol and sedatives, can relax the muscles in the back of the throat thus increase the chances of snoring.

 Opening the respiratory tract

Blockage of the respiratory tract can cause a person to snore. Warm water bath or wash your nose with salt water before bed can help open the airways to lessen the chances of snoring.

 Consume enough mineral water

Lack of fluids makes nasal mucous becomes more sticky, causing snoring. Inadequate drinking water needs to reduce the chances of snoring.

 Stop smoking

Irritation caused by cigarette smoke can cause airway narrowing and inflammation of the throat which ultimately increases the risk of snoring.

 Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles of the neck so as to prevent narrowing of the airways.Sometimes snoring can be caused by the consumption of certain drugs. Consult your doctor if you want to replace drugs as a way to prevent snoring. One thing is for sure, you should avoid dependence on sleeping pills for sleeping pills are relaxes the throat muscles that result in the onset of snoring.