English Indonesian Various Tips for maintaining heart health

Global Nutrition data Report 2016 notes the number of toddlers as much stunting 36.4 percent of all toddler in Indonesia. Stunting reflects chronic malnutrition during the earliest period of growth and development of the child. Generally for a child who experiences chronic undernourishment, the proportions of the body would appear to be normal, but in fact the shorter than normal height for children her age.
Stunting conditions already can not be addressed again when the child enters the age of two years. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of stunting in children, mothers need to consume a decent nutrition intake, especially during times of pregnancy until the child is born and aged 18 months. Basically, the survival and health of children cannot be separated from the health of the mother herself.

 The Cause Of Children Experiencing A Stunting

In General, stunt or stunting is caused by malnutrition in the mother, granting practices and the quality of the food was bad, often have the infection and do not implement the behavior of living clean and healthy.

 The mother's nutrition and feeding practices are bad

Stunting may occur when the expectant mother suffered anemia and malnutrition. Women who are underweight or anemic during pregnancy are more likely to have a child stunting, even at risk of becoming a stunting conditions will happen orally.

The condition can be aggravated when the intake of nutrients to the baby, such as baby inadequate given plain water or tea before the age of six months, because at this age babies should be given breast milk (BREAST MILK) exclusively as well as infant formula as his successor. Not only that, the malnutrition experienced by mothers during breastfeeding can also lead to the growth of the children being stunted.

 Poor sanitation

Stunting can also occur in children who live in neighborhoods with poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene. Poor sanitation is concerned with the occurrence of diarrheal disease and infection of intestinal worms (worms) repeatedly on the child. Both of these diseases has been proven to cause contributed dwarf children.

The high contamination of bacteria from faeces to food consumed can cause diarrhea and intestinal worms which then impact to the level of child nutrition. The bacteria-bacterial contamination can also occur through kitchen appliances as well as other household appliances that are not washed clean or not clean to wash your hands before eating. As a result, the bacteria can enter through the mouth. The practice of living like it can then reduce the child's appetite, inhibit the process of absorption of nutrients in the body of the child, as well as increase the risk of loss of nutrients.

 Other causes

The child who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome (Alcohol Syndrome Fetus/FAS) can also experience stunting. FAS is a pattern of defects that can occur in the fetus because the mother consumes too much alcohol while pregnant. Children with FAS have a bunch of set of symptoms that includes a face shape that is different from normal children, stunted physical growth, as well as some mental disorders.

What about the Health risks of Stunting in children?

 Here are some health risks stunting in children.

Stunting is associated with less-developed brain with harmful consequences for a prolonged period, including his little mental abilities and capacity to learn, poor school achievement in childhood, and having a hard time getting a job when an adult which ultimately reduce revenues, as well as an increased risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
Have a greater risk for developing the disease, even early death.
Stunt can be dropped in the next generation, called the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition.

When mature, a woman stunting have a greater risk for experiencing complications during labor because of their pelvis smaller, and at risk of giving birth to babies with low birth weight.

 To prevent stunting, do the following steps.

A mother should consume the nutrients needed during pregnancy and the nutrients needed during breastfeeding.
Provide good nutrition to the Fruit of the heart, such as giving exclusive BREAST MILK and other essential nutrients along with the increase of age.
Apply a clean and healthy living patterns, especially washing hands before eating, drinking safe water, washing the cutlery and kitchen utensils, cleaning after defecation or small, as well as having the ideal sanitation (clean).

Keep your intake of nutrients are ideal and price coupled with a clean and healthy lifestyles play a role that is crucial to the health of pregnant women, particularly for fetuses. This is to prevent the occurrence of stunt for the sake of survival in the short term and in the long run a healthy, as well as to ensure that children grow up into adults who are strong, educated, and produkti