Definition Atresia Ani

Atresia ani is one type of defect or abnormality from birth. In this condition, the development of the fetus is experiencing interference so that the shape of the rectum (the final part of the colon) rectum hole generally is not perfect.

Atresia ani usually include abnormalities in other areas of the body, including the abnormalities that occur in the digestive organs, genital, and urinary tract. The level of anomalies that occur else vary and are generally categorized as follows:

  • Abnormalities in the lower level. The form of the anus hole narrowed or totally closed due to intestine rectum which still clings to the skin. A closed anus hole are generally accompanied by other birth defects, such as heart disorders, problems in the central nervous system, or anomalies in the hands and feet.
  • Abnormalities at the top level. The position of the colon is located in the pelvic cavity and the formation of a fistula connecting the rectum and bladder, urethra, or vagina. Fistula is an abnormal tunnel that appear between two normal channels such as between blood vessels, intestines, or organ of the body.
  • The posterior orifice or persistent Cloaca. In this disorder, rectum, urinary tract, and the vaginal opening meets on one channel.

 Causes and risk factors of Atresia Ani

In normal conditions, the hole anus, genital and urinary tract, formed at the age of eight weeks of pregnancy through a process of Division and separation of fetal gastrointestinal walls. Interference during fetal development is what will trigger the atresia ani.

The cause of the disorder behind the development is not yet known for sure. Experts suspect that heredity or genetics may have a major influence behind the occurrence of birth defects.

 Diagnosis and treatment of Atresia Ani

Atresia ani can be diagnosed through ultrasound, but commonly known on the first physical examination is done when the baby is born. The doctor will examine the abdomen, genitals, anal hole, and spine each newborn. When there are abnormalities in these sections, the doctor will then ascertain whether there are other types of birth defects that are also experienced by the baby.

The early examination is necessary in order to make the handling can be immediately done. The type of procedure which will be selected by the doctor depends on the type and severity of birth defect experienced by the baby. The health condition of babies will also be major factors taken into consideration.

A baby who doesn't have holes of the intake will be given through the rectum infusion. If there is a fistula which was formed in the urinary tract, the doctor will recommend the use of antibiotics.

Most of the covered anus holes require surgery as soon as possible in order to form a sewer for the dirt. However, this operation has a high degree of difficulty because of the position of the organs that undergo disorder located far in the pelvis. Not to mention the age factor a very young baby so that the risk of complications also increased.

Post surgery of anus hole formation, complications that commonly occur is constipation or fecal incontinence. To overcome this problem, the patient's eating patterns of children should preferably be guarded carefully. One trick is to consume plenty of fiber, such as vegetables and fruit. Foods containing natural laxative such as milk products, can also be used. In addition to the natural way, the patient can also be recommended to use a laxative or laxatives as well as supplements that contain fiber.

 Complications Of Atresia Ani

Some complications can occur at the time of surgery. When there is a fistula associated with the digestive tract, the action could hurt the operation of the wall channels cerna is normal. Replacement hole making operations the anus (colostomy) also contains the risk of polluting the urinary tract so that the risk of infection increased urinary organs.

Stenosis (narrowing) on artificial anus hole can also occur when the patient's skin has a tendency to form Keloids (scar tissue). This condition requires restoration by means of surgery.